Photos by Colleen Gauntlett. Left click on the images to enlarge.
On a wet and stormy Friday night on November 7th the Choir of about 70 members made its way over the Severn Bridge and on to All Saint’s Church at Long Ashton Bristol to support the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal and Church Restoration funds. Every time we visit this Church it is always to a full house and again this time we were not disappointed.
Conducted by Siân Hatton and Shirley Anne James, accompanied by John Nicholson and Stephen Berry, the choir presented a full programme of a wide range of music from Welsh favourites, ‘Rachie’,’ Yfory’ and ‘Gwahoddiad’ to fitting ‘Mansions of the Lord’ from the film ‘We are Soldiers’, ‘He’,’Bring Him Home’ from Les Misérables and ‘There is No Death’. The Choir was pleased to present for the first time for many years, ‘The Rose’ made famous by Bette Midler and later by West Life. Included also were the Elvis hit ‘American Trilogy, ‘You Raise Me Up’, and finalising with the foot tapping ‘The Rhythm of Life’. ‘Mansions of the Lord’ and ‘He’ were almost drowned out by the howling gale and torrential rain beating down on the church roof.
The Choir were joined in the concert by the talented children of Downs School who presented a wide range of musical styles from a Queen Medley, delightful vocal and instrumental solos to Choral medleys and solos from Les Misérables’ by the School’s Chamber Choir and soloists. Their items were conducted by Clive Dickinson and accompanied by Susan Gregory.
Following the concert the Choir and supporters made their way through the torrential downpours to the Royal British Legion club at Long Ashton for a welcome warm reception, refreshments and again, a hearty afterglow to the delight of the patrons.