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Richard Evans

Richard had been President of our Choir since 1992 but due to personal reasons had to reluctantly relinquish the post in 2015 after tremendous dedicated service in not only finding and encouraging the support of the vice-presidents but also in his hard work organising many Race Nights which over 20 years has raised over £100,000 pounds to support the Choir.

He was followed by Michael Shere-Massey who despite his inexperience of Male Voice Choirs did sterling work for 3 years in keeping the Vice-presidents informed and interested in our Choir.

However, on the departure of Michael, Richard was approached and asked if he could take up the reigns as President once again. To the Choir's overwhelming delight, Richard accepted the post at the Annual General Meeting in October 2018

The choir appreciates that it will be difficult for Richard to fully commit himself as before to the choir since he now lives in Porthcawl but he assures us that he will do his best to support it in any way he can, especially by keeping in touch with the Vice-presidents who give such valuable encouragement and support to the Choir.

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