On a misty day the Caldicot Male Voice Choir meandered its way through the the rolling pastures of the English countryside for the third time in five years to the ancient 12th century All Saint’s Church in Faringdon, Oxfordshire. On the 20th September , in aid of the Rotary Club of Faringdon and District, the choir presented an eclectic mix of eighteen choral pieces from its varied and extensive repertoire. New pieces, fresh from the Gala Concert included ‘On the Street Where You Live’, ‘Ride the Chariot’ (soloists David Gould and Siân Hatton) and ‘Nirvana’ while old favourites, ‘American Trilogy’, ‘African Trilogy’ (soloist Jason Dawe) , Bizet’s ‘Pearl Fisher’s Duet’ , ‘You Raise Me Up’, ‘Can’t help falling in love’ were all included and not forgetting a few in Welsh including ‘Rachie’ and ‘O Iesu Mawr’.
Between performances the choir and audience were treated to the delightful and talented voice of local soloist Louise Woodgate who took us through ‘Song to the Moon’ by Dvorak, ‘Can’t help lovin’ dat man o’ mine’ from Showboat to be followed in Part Two by Caccini’s ‘Ave Maria’ and contrastingly a traditional Irish air ‘She moved through the fair’. The choir’s performances throughout the evening were conducted by Musical Director Siân Hatton and accompanied by Stephen Berry and John Nicholson.
The choir completed its programme with Eli Jenkins prayer from Under Milk Wood, Jean Valjean’s plea from Les Misérables to ‘Bring Him Home’, ‘Always on my mind’ made famous by Elvis Presley and finally astounding the audience with the rousing Wesleyan hymn, a favourite of all Male Voice Choirs, ‘When I Survey the Wond’rous Cross’ to the tune Morte Criste.
Following the concert, the choir and supporters made their way down the tricky path from the church, across the picturesque town square to the Bell Inn for well deserved refreshment.